Running git merge with --ff-only argument is a nice precaution to avoid unnecessary merges.
It is convenient to abbreviate it as git ff:
git config --global ff "merge --ff-only"
In the earlier versions of django this command didn't go out of the box.
The script below did pretty much the same as git merge --ff-only does now: it fast-forwards the current branch against its tracking branch and shows all kind of relevant info if there's an error.
python of any version (>=2.7 or >=3.5)
Download the git-ff script.
Copy the script:
(linux) to any directory in your path on linux (eg ~/bin provided it is in the path)(windows) to "C:\Program Files\Git\libexec\git-core" or "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core" (use your git installation path if it is different)
PS The script itself
#!/usr/bin/python # vim: filetype=python : from __future__ import print_function import re, os, sys def mystrip(a): return re.sub('refs/heads/', '', a) def call(a): return os.popen(a).read().strip() def get_id(branch): return call('git rev-parse %s' % branch) if len(sys.argv) > 2: print('usage: git ff [<remote>]') exit(1) branch = mystrip(call('git symbolic-ref HEAD')) # git name-rev --name-only HEAD would also do if len(sys.argv) == 2: tracked = '/'.join((sys.argv[1], branch)) else: remote = call('git config branch.%s.remote' % branch) if remote == '': print('branch not tracking and no remote given, aborting') exit(1) merge = call('git config branch.%s.merge' % branch) if remote=='.': tracked = merge else: tracked = '/'.join(( remote, mystrip(merge) )) base_id = call('git merge-base %s %s' % (branch, tracked)) print(get_id(branch)[:7], branch, '(current)') print(get_id(tracked)[:7], tracked, '(tracked)') print(base_id[:7], '(base)') if base_id != get_id(branch): print('Cannot fast-forward') sys.exit(1) n = call('git rev-list %s..%s |wc -l' % (branch, tracked)) if n=='0': print('Your branch is already up-to-date') sys.exit(0) print('Fast-forwarding %s revision(s)' % n) print(call('git merge %s' % tracked))
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